Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I have found my new home.

I have finally received my placement site of where I will be living and teaching for the next year and I couldn't be more pleased! I will be living in a very small town on the Caribbean coast of Colombia called Santa Ana, Baru. It is amazingly beautiful.....

And also very underdeveloped....

The town is also only one hour away by bus to one of the most beautiful cities in the world... Cartegena

I will be living in teacher housing at Barbacaos, which is the school that I will be teaching in. I will be teaching English to children in grades kindergarten through third in an amazing open-air classroom.

I am so thrilled to be placed here. I will have such an amazing, culturally rich experience living in a small town of all locals and still have easy access to a great big city to experience a whole different way of living in Colombia. 

I cannot wait to teach these children English and meet some amazing people during my year abroad. I know it will be an extremely difficult and rewarding experience and I probably have no idea what is coming my way......

Only 18 more days............. that is intense.

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