Monday, January 10, 2011

First Week!

My first week in Colombia! I have been here for a week and it feels like a month. I have been living with a group of 35 other volunteers in a town called Cota that is right outside of Bogota, Colombia’s capitol. We are spending the first month here getting TEFL certified and then off to our sites! I am getting extremely excited and equally nervous about living here for a year and teaching English! It really still hasn’t sunk in. Colombia is even more amazing and beautiful than I had imagined. It rains everyday for a few hours but other than that it is perfect. I am loving Cota.

We have been staying incredibly busy with the training but I have been enjoying every minute of everything. I especially am enjoying the amazing Colombian coffee that is available all day…


Eating strange but delicious food…

Learning to Salsa…

Being surrounded by chickens (and hearing their heads get chopped off)

Practicing Spanish (very poorly) with the local Colombians….

Bogota is also absolutely gorgeous and amazing…

Overall, everything has been great. I am loving Cota and absolutely love Bogota. My Spanish is improving very slowly and I have made some great friends. I am so excited to move to Baru and start teaching but also incredibly nervous. Living here to teach for a year will be incredibly difficult and I am prepared for having some horrible times… but as for now I am most definitely in the “honeymoon” phase and loving everything


  1. You are a freak... love your last picture. And salsa (?) how is that going? Love ya (and a little jealous).

    It is snowing here (a lot!!) hope you are warm! Check out the pics of JH- I wasn't there for the sleding but I know you will appreciate the pics. Peace...

  2. ahhhh! reminds me so much of peru, i can't wait to visit you!!! everything looks so beautiful (even that weird last picture), hope you're having the time of you life!

  3. Missing you during the big snowstorm!! we have been stuck for days!! Oh well, you would probably be with Janelle anyway :)

  4. Beautiful pictures! I loved reading your blog. It does look like you're having fun and even attempting to speak Spanish. Bueno!

    Lots of love from here.

  5. AHHH. Looks awesome, so glad you're having a good time-- even if its just honeymoon. That last pic is SO classic Shannon
