Friday, February 4, 2011

The Canal

Isla de Baru was once a peninsula, but it is now separated from the mainland by a canal. There is no bridge connecting the island to the mainland, so whenever I need to go to Cartegena, I have to cross over this by canoe....

There is very little that you can get here in Baru, so if I ever need to go to the ATM, grocery store, buy school supplies or just grab a slice of pizza... I have to take a motorcycle, followed by a canoe, followed by a hot, sweaty bus, followed by a taxi... by the time I arrive in Cartegena, I am in desperate need of water and an ice cream cone.

However, last week the other volunteers and I were invited to go meet the mayor of Cartegena... this was awesome because our school kindly provided us with a pick up truck to get there. Although it was windy and a bit uncomfortable squishing in the back of a pick up (especially when we were in our nice clothes/wearing dresses), it took about half the time it usually does to get there. I wish this could always be our mode of transportation... (plus it is way more fun)

Notice: the ferry for the cars is a large floatation device powered by a canoe with a motor attached to it.... very effective.

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